2024 Music Line Up
Post Office stage
10.30am Moffatt School of Irish Dancing
11.00am Sean Nos dancer- Laura Fleming
12 noon All-Ireland Fleadh winners Piper’s Cross Céilí Band ALBUM LAUNCH
1.00pm Multi-Instrumentalist musician Liam O’ Connor & family with Atlantic Rhythm Dancers
2.30pm The Garda Band
3.30pm Billow Wood
5.00pm Bofield CCÉ
10.30am Singer-Aoife Kilcullen
11.00am Tara Kennedy School of Irish Dancing
11.30am Sean Nos dancer-Laura Fleming
12 noon Ballina Strawboys
1.00pm Lunch time Classics
2.00pm LÉDA
3.00pm Bofield CCÉ
4.00pm Sylan Kelly School of Irish Dancing
4.30pm Glor Na dTonn Ceili Band
Ballina IQ Military Barracks
10.30am Sheila Moffatt School of Irish Dancing
11.30am Copper Plate Céili Band & Inclusion hour from 11.30-12.30pm
2.30pm Tara Kennedy School of Irish Dancing
3.00pm Ballina Strawboys
4.00pm All-Ireland Fleadh winners Piper’s Cross Céilí Band

2024 Craft Line Up
Pearse Street
0 Office
1 Steam engine - Mayo County Council
2 Birds of Prey - Mount Falcon Estate
3 Eddie Lenihan - Seanchai (Story teller)
4 Irish with Mollie - Gaelic classes
5 Eamonn Ceannt's - Uileann pipes
6 Costume Company children activities
7 Irish defence Forces - Armoured Cars
8 Declan Caulfield - Traditional Currachs
9 PJ Clarke - Cowboys
10 Harpist
11 Ciara Draper - Spinning
12 Kenan gulen - Felt works
13 Sandra king - Hand dyed spun yarn
14 Mayo ICA - Kay Devine and friends
15 Jamie Morgan - Sock and bag maker
16 Gail Walsh - Millinery, Hat making
17 Sandra Coote - Wool weaving
18 Sliabh Liag weavers
19 Sheena Ryan - leather works
20 Annie Gambrill - Killala woolcraft
21 Blues wood Products - Carding and dyeing
22 Fintan Staunton - Sewing Machines
23 Josie Murphy, Judith Dixon - Knitting and crochet
24 Anna Doyle - Carding and spinning
25 Teresa Doyle - Bespoke doll maker
26 Helen Diviney - Spinning, wool works
27 Irene O'Sullivan - Crochet
28 Reel Deel Brewery - Local Brewer
29 HeritACT - Promoting Cultural Heritage
30 Willie Nolan - Maritime
31 Western People
124 Belmullet Boat Charters - Iniskeas
126 Tieragh Community Support - Weaving
127 Fox Woodturning
128 Son or studio - Wood turning
129 Garda Car
Local Calvary church
G Taste the Ocean - Food
Tolan Street
32 Steffi Otto - Hemp rope making
33 Mood Designs - Ceramics
34 Seamus May - Stonemason
35 Eoin Madigan - Lime works
36 Calx Restoration - Damien Condon - Lime works
37 Seamus Kirwan - Weaving demonstrations
38 Stephen Ryan - Pole lathe
39 Brian Ambrey - Rope maker - Bees
40 Noel Leahy - Bees
41 Eva Lynch - Silversmithing
O’ Rahilly Street
42 Des devine - Bee keeper
43 Tom Scanlon - Antiques
44 Michael Monaghan - Currach
45 Alfie Davey - Stone turner
46 JP Mc Mahon - Michelin star chef (Oysters)
47 Burrishoole Cultural heritage - Viking age needle binding
48 Sean Mahony - Hurley and candle maker
49 Gervais Padden - Bee Keeper
50 Agfa - Vintage photography
51 Mags Mannion - Medieval glass beads
52 Honor kirby - Jewellery smith
53 Henri Hedou - Pottery wheel
54 Astrid - Candle maker
55 Derryhick sticks - walking sticks
56 Shauna Mc Cann - Pottery wheel
Tone Street
57 Peter Beaumont - Basket maker
58 Daniel Mc Laughlin - Pole lathe
59 Geraldine Beaumont - Stoneworks
60 Patricia o' Flaherty - Rush works
61 Niall Murphy - Willow basket maker
62 Padraig Larkin - Straw works
63 Andreas Koenig - Willow works
64 West Country Willows - Willow coffin making
65 Aisling Flynn - Printing
66 Galway Violins - Violin maker
67 Mary Cahalan - Artist
68 Eugene lambe - Uilleann pipe maker
69 Brendan Murphy - Furniture maker
70 Willie Creighton - Lathe
71 Michael Potterton - Axe maker
72 Jack Pinson - Longbow maker
Local Willie Mitchell - Dillisk
Local Legion Of Mary
E Cott and Cobble
M O Haras Bakery